A Biased Look at the New York Yankees, the Greatest Franchise in the History of Sports
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The Yankees lost a tough one to the Orioles this afternoon and with their razor thin lead, they were able to stay in first place because the Rays also lost. Of course we all knew it was going to come down to this week’s four game series against Tampa at Yankee Stadium. The Yankees are in the playoffs, but it sure would be nice to get home field and play the whole schedule game that they were able to do and stick with three starters. It would also mean we’d play the Rangers, and while they’re still tough, the Twins sure do look good.
CC Sabathia won his 20th game of the season yesterday. With a couple more starts, he could reach the 200 strikeout mark for just the third time in his career. He came close last year with 197, but I would have thought he’d have more. CC gets my vote for the Cy Young but of course I’m biased.
The big thing will be whether Andy Pettitte is good and ready. He pitched today against the Orioles and he pitched six solid frames but this was against the Orioles. I know Baltimore has been playing better, but I think Friday against the Red Sox will be a better gauge as to whether he’s going to be good in the playoffs or not.
Robinson Cano has been the Yankees best hitter and to get that kind of production from a second baseman is huge. Watch out for Alex Rodriguez though. Since coming back from his injury, he has a 1.078 OPS so we’re seeing some of the Alex of old. Again, if he’s set for the playoffs, that’s all we care about.
Once the Yankees take care of the Rays this week, we can look forward to the playoffs. The only thing better the Yankees tickets are Yankees playoff tickets.
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