Baseball’s Savior

A Biased Look at the New York Yankees, the Greatest Franchise in the History of Sports

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November 19, 2007

Alex Rodriguez Wins AL MVP

by @ 6:18 pm. Filed under 2008 Season

No big surprise here.  Alex Rodriguez was by far the most potent offensive weapon in either league and he walked away with his third MVP.  Two idiots from Detroit voted Ordonez first place and they cost A-Rod all of the first place votes but let those losers feel good about themselves because it really doesn’t matter.  Now A-Rod is back and he’ll make a run at Barry Bonds record number of MVP awards.

One Response to “Alex Rodriguez Wins AL MVP”

  1. TigerBlog » Blog Archive » Magglio Ordonez and Joel Zumaya Says:

    [...] It seems just about anything can upset a Yankees’ fan.  Magglio Ordonez finished a distant second place in the American League MVP race and he even picked up a couple of first place votes.  Of course those votes came from a pair of Detroit writers  and that’s what has everyone all up in arms.  Regardless, Ordonez had a monster season and had it not been for an even bigger year by Alex Rodriguez, he would have walked away with the title.  Kind of like those solid years Albert Pujols had when Barry Bonds was going nuts with some of those seasons he had earlier in the decade. [...]

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